19thc Rush Light


A fine early 19th Century antique iron rush light and candle holder on an oak painted  base, English. Many fakes of these exist but this one is genuine made circa 1800
Rushlights were used in Britain and  Ireland for many century`s  usually in July the common rush was gathered by the thousands in July  soaked for a week, then the outer skin was removed but a thin strip was left to hold the inner pith together, then it was dipped and pulled through any grease or fat warmed and melted in a grisset pan, an iron pan on legs with a handle, this was heated in the fire, the resulting long type of candle was then cooled, it was then nipped in the jaws of the rushlight it would burn for any were between thirty minutes to an hour, the old saying you cannot burn the candle at both ends come from these rushlights. the candle stick was only used on special days.