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19thc Rush Light


A fine early 19th Century antique iron rush light and candle holder on an oak painted  base, English. Many fakes of these exist but this one is genuine made circa 1800
Rushlights were used in Britain and  Ireland for many century`s  usually in July the common rush was gathered by the thousands in July  soaked for a week, then the outer skin was removed but a thin strip was left to hold the inner pith together, then it was dipped and pulled through any grease or fat warmed and melted in a grisset pan, an iron pan on legs with a handle, this was heated in the fire, the resulting long type of candle was then cooled, it was then nipped in the jaws of the rushlight it would burn for any were between thirty minutes to an hour, the old saying you cannot burn the candle at both ends come from these rushlights. the candle stick was only used on special days.
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Silver Sauce Ladles


These are a fine pair of silver ladles made in Exeter by Isaac Parkin in 1830, good clear hallmarks, the two weighing 102 grams, these are rather uncommon being from Exeter.

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Silver Sauce Boats


A fine Pair of 19th Century Victorian antique silver sauce boats, in super condition ready for use on the dining table, both dated 1875.

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Bellamine Jug


A very fine example of a 17th Century Bellarmine jug or bottle, these were potted mostly in Germany but also in Holland, Belgium, London and even in early Jamestown in America, they are very hard but brittle, the wonderful glaze was produced by throwing salt into the hot kiln when firing it, this one has a wonderful tiger glaze made in the early sixteen hundreds. The name Bellamine was named because Cardinal Bellamine tried to stop people drinking Gin that came in these bottles so his face was put on them.

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Scrimshaw tooth


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1887 Royal Worcester Ewer


A wonderful Ewer made by Royal Worcester in 1887 finely painted in gold leaf and in fine condition , approximately 25cm tall . Please email for shipping cost.

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17th Century Irish Leather & Brass Studded Dowry Chest


A fabulous rare 17th century Irish leather and brass studded dowry chest, dated 1693 and the letters A M on the slightly bowed top. The brass studs decorate the chest with swirls and roundels and stylised flowers. each end has original iron handles , the interior retains much of its marbled decorated paper lining. The whole chest stands proudly on fantastic Brass cannon ball feet.  We bought this about 5 or 6 years ago, we found it in a stable attached to a very big old house called Ballyrankin house near Fearns and Bunclody in Wexford, we bought all the contents of this house. It was in bad condition the bottom right drawer had a hole were the keyhole i,s about as big as a child`s fist going into the drawer and up into the main chest, it was full of 100 hundreds of thousand of very small pieces of coloured cloth that we are sure were flags most likely Irish battle flags, it had been sent to Ballyrankin from Lt Col Gordan Shakespear-Higginson of the second battalion the Royal Dublin Fusiliers on his death in I think 1928 , he had a long history of military forebears many of whom were in India, we know this was in Africa in Cape town in the 1830`s as we found in the bottom left hand corner several small wonderful water colours of Cape town in the 1830`s a small place then! Underneath them were a lot of very wonderful engravings all dated from the 1780`s to the 1790`s which leads us to believe the chest was there for quite some time we found in another Higginson box a solid silver large belt buckle also inscribed Capetown 1833.  The Chest is heavy so please email for shipping costs.

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